Le Label ProD&S met en lumière les meilleures pratiques

The ProD&S Label highlights best practices and supports the labelled companies in their progress, year after year.

The ProD&S Label comprises several levels of qualification, with criteria that become ever more stringent, encouraging companies to improve further.

The Labelling team at ProD&S audits, labels and promotes companies’ commitments.

The ProD&S Labelling Committee approves the award of your label and its category.


    • Complete your application form to receive your login and password giving you access to your personal account
    • Complete the first level questionnaire online and send the required documents and certificates to the Labelling Department.
    • The Labelling Department will submit your file to the Labelling Committee which convenes every week.
    • If your application is approved, you will receive, within two weeks, your certificate indicating your labelling level and the communication kit comprising logos and plates.
    • Once you have received your first level qualification, you can complete the questionnaire for the following level. Whenever you wish, you can access the online questionnaire relating to your next level and indicate your areas of improvement.
étude des dossiers
audit sur site


Every two years, unannounced audits conducted in the labelled companies offer the opportunity to:

  • Check on certain items in the firm ‘in person’ by ‘labelling auditors’,
  • Produce an audit report for the Labelling Department,
  • Help the company progress in reaching perfection, with advice delivered on site.

Any observation of non-compliance will immediately lead to requests for corrective action and/or penalties.


To bring further solidity and legitimacy to the labelling process, the ESTRADS teams have created a Council of Elders made up of leading experts in the profession:

  • Professionals from other existing labels
  • Members of the leadership teams of various professional alliances
  • Local politicians (National Assembly Defence and Armed Forces Committee and Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Armed Forces)
  • Representatives of the French defence procurement agency (DGA)
  • Representatives of the armed forces

The Council of Elders conducts continuous monitoring to identify new initiatives and recommend criteria changes to ensure the label remains consistent.


“Earn the trust of Defence and Security professionals by offering a reliable and robust Label”